In LuYang’s cosmos, identities are not fixed but fluid and mediated by new technologies. Concepts such as cultural identity, body, and gender are radically called into question. LuYang places current scientific thought and an engagement with global pop and consumer culture in the context of Buddhist and Hindu cosmologies. LuYang contrasts the notion of an identity anchored in the body and chronological time with multiple realities that know no unchanging self but only permanent change. LuYang experiments with the notion that the Internet cannot only expand physical existence, but also replace it. But digital existence, which knows no temporal or spatial limitations, is not a dream world. On the contrary, it illustrates the equally dreamlike and illusionistic nature of the physical existence that we perceive as “real.” LuYang’s avatars allow us to witness these liberating and uncanny experiences.
In LuYang’s cosmos, identities are not fixed but fluid and mediated by new technologies. Concepts such as cultural identity, body, and gender are radically called into question. LuYang places current scientific thought and an engagement with global pop and consumer culture in the context of Buddhist and Hindu cosmologies. LuYang contrasts the notion of an identity anchored in the body and chronological time with multiple realities that know no unchanging self but only permanent change. LuYang experiments with the notion that the Internet cannot only expand physical existence, but also replace it. But digital existence, which knows no temporal or spatial limitations, is not a dream world. On the contrary, it illustrates the equally dreamlike and illusionistic nature of the physical existence that we perceive as “real.” LuYang’s avatars allow us to witness these liberating and uncanny experiences.
Further artworks from this exhibition
Six reincarnations: the DOKU avatars
DOKU Human
DOKU Heaven
DOKU Asura
DOKU Animal
DOKU Hungry Ghost
DOKU Bardo #1, 2022
DOKU Mind Matrix, 2022
DOKU the Self, 2022