Kara Walker
For the Benefit of All the Races of Mankind [(Mos’ Specially the Master One, Boss) An Exhibition of Artifacts, Remnants, and Effluvia Excavated from the Black Heart of a Negress II], 2002
For the Benefit of All the Races of Mankind [(Mos’ Specially the Master One, Boss) An Exhibition of Artifacts, Remnants, and Effluvia Excavated from the Black Heart of a Negress II], 2002
Kara Walker
*1969, lebt und arbeitet in New York
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Weitere Werke aus dieser Ausstellung
Rohini Devasher: Borrowed Light
Reading into the Stars, 2013
Rohini Devasher
Terrasphere, 2015
Rohini Devasher
Atmospheres, 2015
Rohini Devasher
The Mirrored Sky, 2017
Rohini Devasher
One Hundred Thousand Suns, 2023
Borrowed Light, 2024
Rohini Devasher
Sol Drawings, 2023
Shadow Portraits, 2023 und
Sol Drawings, 2023
Rohini Devasher
o.T., 2010
Küchenbild rosa, 1994-2003
o.T. (...die Blumen und wo den Sonnenschein und den Schatten der Erde...), 1987–1998
o.T., 1994–2005
Hier wohnt der Schweinepeitschenwurm, 2004–2014
Schlachtenseerosen am 8. Juni 1986, 1986
Langes Bild, 1985–1987
o.T. (17.6.88), 1988
o.T. (Freisemesterbericht), filmed in December 2007
o.T. (Buch # 2_Liebe & Lyrik sind zweckfrei), filmed in December 2007
Ohne Titel, Juli 2001–Juni 2007
Für Edeltraud, Autobahngeschichte 1999, Dezember 1999
Zustimmenden Engeln, November 1998–Februar 2000
Ohne Titel, 2011–2015, Juli 2013
ja, 29. Oktober–29. Dezember 2013
Index Cards, 2000–06
Anawana Haloba
Close-Up, 2013-16
Paulo Nazareth
L'Arbre D'Oublier (Tree of Forgetting), 2013
Sammy Baloji
Untitled #17, 2006
Sammy Baloji
Untitled, 2018
Lubaina Himid
Dreaming Has a Share in History, 2016
Yto Barrada
Belvedere 3, 2001
Jo Ractliffe
Details of Tiled Murals at the Fortaleza de São Miguel, Depicting Portuguese Explorations in Africa 6, 2007
Zohra Opoku
‘I have arisen from my egg which is in the lands of the secrets. I give my mouth to myself (so that) I may speak with it in the presence of the gods of the Duat. My hand shall not be turned away from the council of the great god Osiris, Lord of Rosetau, this one who is at the top of the dais. I have come (so that) I may do what my heart desires in the Island of Fire, extinguihing the fire which hcomes forth.', 2020
Alberta Whittle
Power from Below: decolonial agents (matrix), 2021
Wong Hoy Cheong
Study for Colonies Bite Back, 2001
Dineo Seshee Bopape
Lerole: footnotes (The struggle of memory against forgetting), 2017
La Chola Poblete: Guaymallén
Pop-Ikone, heilige Jungfrau, Pachamama: La Cholas Vírgenes- Aquarelle
Hardrock, Rolinga, Ballroom: La Chola Pobletes Banner-Installation
Materialität, Metaphern und Gegensätze
Mythen und Madonnen: Inszenierte Fotografien
Spiel mit kulturellen Erwartungen: La Chola Poblete und die Nasca-Linien
Venus papas lays, 2023
Venus Cacharos, 2023
Die gestreifte Säule: Eine Hommage an Freddi Mamani Silvestres neoandinen Architekturstil
Kara Walker
The Invisible Beauty, 2001
Berni Searle
Traces, 1999
Toyin Ojih Odutola
The Casting of Oil and Water II, 2015
Lebohang Kganye
Ke Sale Teng (I'm Still Here), 2017
Mohamed Camara
Certains matin no. 61 au réveil…. (Some Mornings on Walking…), 2006<
Samuel Fosso
70's Lifestyle series, 1957-78
Mikhael Subotzky
Moses and Griffiths, 2012
Der Kunsthändler
James Franco als der Kunsthändler
Die Hausangestellte
Mercedes Cabral als die Hausangestellte
Exhibition Intro
Esther Ferrer
Proyectos espaciales, späte 1970er-Jahre/ late 1970s
Backstage Intro
Elena Asins
Iching 2, 1974
Eva Lootz
Elle vive en el traje que se está haciendo, 1994
Michelangelo Pistoletto
Quadro di fili elettrici, 1967
Aurèlia Muñoz
Macramar, 1972
Luca Vitone
Sonorizzare il luogo (Grand Tour), 1989-2001
Soledad Sevilla
Los días con Pessoa, 2021
Armin Linke
Chamber of Deputies, Rome, Italy, 2007
From the serie/ aus der Serie Il Corpo dello Stato, 2002-2009
Montserrat Soto
Sin título. Huella 26 2004
Giorgio Andreotta Calò
Scale model for Senza titolo (La fine del mondo), 2017-2018
Ángela de la Cruz
Clutter with Wardrobes (Conglomerado de armarios), 1987
Prelude Intro
Eulàlia Valldosera
Escenas (I-XIV), 1998
Maurizio Nannucci
The missing poem is the poem, 1969
Theatre of the Everyday Intro
Jimmie Durham
A Proposal for a New International Genuflexion in Promotion of World Peace, 2007
Rosa Barba
NO - Orchestra con nastro, 2022
Luigi Ontani
Davide e Prigioni. L'après Michelangelo, 1970
William Kentridge
Preparing the Flute, 2005
Chen Zhen
Un-interrupted Voice, 1998
Stage Intro
Susan Philipsz
Wild Is the Wind, 2002
Olaf Nicolai
Positi. Rome Version, 2022
LuYang DOKU Experience Center
LuYangs Kosmos
Sechs Reinkarnationen: die DOKU-Avatare
DOKU Human
DOKU Heaven
DOKU Asura
DOKU Animal
DOKU Hungry Ghost
DOKU Bardo #1, 2022
DOKU Mind Matrix, 2022
DOKU the Self, 2022
Basim Magdy
Artist of the Year 2016 - Basim Magdy
Koki Tanaka
Artist of the Year 2015 - Koki Tanaka
Victor Man
Artist of the Year 2014 - Victor Man
Imran Qureshi
Artist of the Year 2013 - Imran Qureshi
Wangechi Mutu
Artist of the Year 2010 - Wangechi Mutu